Talking about the towns in this north-south narrow valley (I’ll call them North Town, Middle Town, and South Town), the attorney was trying to establish how close the towns were:
Attorney: Mr. Nelson, Middle Town’s north border is shared with North Town, is that correct, sir?
Witness: Yes, that’s correct.
Attorney: And, Mr. Nelson, Middle Town’s southern border is shared with South Town, would you agree with that, sir?
Witness: Yes, that’s correct.
Attorney: So, Mr. Nelson, this is a pretty tight sandwich, wouldn’t you say, sir?
Witness: It’s a pretty big sandwich.
Attorney: You’d say it’s a pretty big tight sandwich, sir?
Witness: Ok, we’ll go there.
What were they going to do? Use the term “big tight sandwich” in their closing arguments to convince us to vote their way?