coffee book - 4
We ain't drinkin' no lat-tays.
It's cowboy coffee 'er nuttin'.
They tell me - espresso - it mix wit turquoise - it much stronger. But now they tell me.
This god, that god - what if we all prayed to the coffee god? We all have that in common, don't we?
She ordered soy, not regular. Here I go again.
The secret of Starbuck's future competition.
When-a will-a you-a learn-a? You-a drinka tooa mucha coffee and the sewers can'ta handle thata mucha caffeine and they-a spontaneously combust-a!
Coming out of the closet - the first barista to admit that he served every decaf request with caffeine and no one noticed.
How many times do I have to tell you - order mine with no whip.
Last time you tempted me with a latte. How do you expect me to go back to popcorn?
gawd, those drinks are messy.