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guffaws with doilies

second to having my portrait painted with a penis ... by a penis? ... was catching gazes from the passersby while fondling my antimacassar (antimacassar in use as an antimacassar here and here):

as the crowds slowly passed my table, I would scan their eyes while rubbing my doily up and down. often enough I got my favorite response when someone just busted out laughing. a woman or a man ... they'd nudge their partner to take a look. some did this privately and I pretended not to see. still others saw me and quickly averted my gaze. this totally surprised me at this venue. my booth mates and neighbors had various theories about this, some about how the response could've been so visceral and automatic that the viewer wasn't prepared for it. and it was being elicited by the use of a ... a doily?? I dunno. your guess? as soon as I sensed someone might be uncomfortable, I'd go on to find another set of eyes, searching for that lovely guffaw. if there is a purpose to my life these days, it is to give guffaws, get guffaws, to share in the big guffaw!

Photo courtesy of Richard ChauDavis, my booth neighbor for this event

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