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headdress with red roots

funny, weird, delightful, gorgeous! a cross between renaissance costuming and earthiness. red tuber-looking shapes dangle from a headdress of delicate leaves. costumes by Betsie Withey.

oh, my mind takes me to "we are what we eat". and I'm reminded of those times getting to jump in a pile of fall leaves. I'm probably taking this a little more literally than she intended but I love it. to me these constumes remind me again and again how we are connected to what we eat, to where we live, the earth beneath our feet, the items we ingest (which jumps to "the friends we keep") and I find that real and satisfying. and if that weren't enough, I find her choice of color, shape and texture absolutely captivating.

for me, this resonates with Jennifer McNeely's work, Raven Hanna's Made with Molecules, Laura Splan's creations related to viruses and blood.

the back of this dress expressing "parasitic nature" reminds me of a show on TV I saw many years ago discussing all the organisms living on our skin, in our gut - EveryWhere - and how we don't want to kill them 'cause most of them are good for us. that took a while to get used to. and now this dress depicts that beautifully.

check out her etsy shop for more of her gorgeous, delightful, and I'd say even enigmatic creations.

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